Thursday, January 17, 2008

where do you find the time

Ok, I want to know how it is everyone finds time to do this blogging thing and I cant even find time to take a shower.....I am looking for those spare moments that I actually have energy to put together some complete and occasionally interesting thoughts that I can look back on and see some value in "blogging" So how do you create that block of time that is free to just do a little meandering around those elusive thoughts that get pushed aside during a busy day


saaa said...

Life takes time, don't let time take life.

Ari said...

Hi Itibit,

I have to agree with Saaa, every day is about keeping it really simple and doing a few things well. You Itibit have lots to do in a day to be sure, and when things bubble up in my head or heart, that's often the best time to act.

Would "now" be a good time? You carry around less and less "to do's" that way.

Great question.