Saturday, April 4, 2009

Its snowing again

Well its blowing snow again so I have 4 kids (one extra from a spending the night) to keep entertained and out of each others hair. I would send them all out to shovel and play in their huge snow fort but the wind is really whipping ...I think I will wait till later and then tackle the ponds of melted snow that always appear when they come in over and over and over again. It is so much fun to watch them playing in the snow. Ally usually plops herself down in a big pile and starts eating snow. Cy is our enthusiastic roller which can be kind of odd if you don't know what hes up to....he just kind of falls and rolls, the fire drill sort of back and forth. Ayden is my Worker Bee and usually finds a shovel to clear a path or he likes his snowboard which he is mastering quite quickly. I saw him teaching Ally the other day and they made quite a team. I am sure Grandpa is itching to get out the snowmobiles again......its been a great year for the hills. I think there should be at least a foot of new snow this morning so its going to be a beautiful Sunday for a tour. Wish I dared take some time off but too much work. and then there is my taxes I need to find a way to do. My main computer has blue screened .....I am really in denial at this point so I haven't even really started to figure out how to proceed. Its backed up somewhere so I am not lost but I want my computer back.

Its time to brave the elements to get down to the shop, I have a couple of orders to get out to the post office and some sewing to do. Ally just informed me the car is buried. I have already taken the dog out once this morning so I really don't want to walk it unless I want to start shovelling again. Oh my arms are going to be buff.

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